Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) address the City of Caldwell’s long-term needs related to street and drainage improvements, parks, public facilities, and utilities. CIPs are typically scheduled over several years to address the City’s ability to pay for the improvements. These projects determined and prioritized based on available funds, community enhancement and needs, infrastructure, and safety. Fiscal impacts of capital improvements include future maintenance and operational costs.
Please contact the Planning & Development Services Department for more information about CIP and other development within the City of Caldwell.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a capital improvement project?
Any major improvement to City facilities and infrastructure. These projects may include construction and renovation of recreation centers and libraries, acquisition of parkland, repaving of streets, repairs and replacement of water and wastewater lines, provision of power for residents, and purchase of IT networks and City fleet vehicles. Capital improvement projects may require years of planning and construction while others may be completed in a shorter timeframe.
What projects are not included in Capital Projects?
There are a number of critically important projects that require action in the City, but they are separate from CIPs. Some of these include:
- Housing projects
- TxDOT highway repairs
- Facilities that are outside the City Limits.
How are these projects funded?
The City prepares an annual CIP budget as well as an annual operating budget that is reviewed and adopted by the City Council at the beginning of each fiscal year in October. The CIP budget is a planning instrument used by the City to identify capital improvement needs and to coordinate financing and timing of those needs in a manner that maximizes benefit to the public.
- Capital funds are those that are dedicated and budgeted specifically for capital projects, while general funds are directed towards ongoing and daily costs of running the City.
- Other funding comes from outside grants that are provided by federal, state, and non-profit entities.
How are projects chosen and prioritized?
CIP projects are chosen and prioritized based on funding availability and how they will provide the best quality service and function to customers and residents of Caldwell.